General Calculation:
Choose Year:
Starting Month:
Ending Month:
Employee Type:
Cumulative Income Tax Base:
5 Point Incentive Calculate:
Bordro Outsource

You can calculate your gross salary by entering your net salary on this calculation page. You can choose the year you want to make calculations for and calculate your gross salary in accordance with the legal parameters for the year of your choice. You can add additional payments to different months in different amounts in line with the "Working/Retired" and "Currency" options.

Net Monthly Salary To Be Calculated       
January :
February :
March :
April :
May :
June :

Monthly Calculation

Annual Calculation

Total Cost:
Note: Incentives provided by SSI are not taken into account in the calculation of total cost.
Note: The short-term insurance premium rate has been increased from 2% to 2.25%, effective from September 1, 2024.
Monthly Distribution
Yearly Total Distribution

Contents provided in this calculation tool serve to informative purpose only and are the property of CottGroup® and all of its affiliated legal entities. Quoting any of the contents without credit being given to the source is strictly prohibited. Regardless of having all the precautions and importance put in the preparation of this simulation, CottGroup® and its member companies cannot be held liable of the inaccuracies or deficiencies and any damages that may occur due to the reliability of this information that may include interpretations in this general framework.

Please consult your representative if you are a customer of CottGroup® or consult a relevant party or an expert prior to taking any action with regards to the sample calculation above.